Well the Brockstar is now 8 months old and he's into EVERYTHING!
*He is crawling everywhere
*He is pulling himself up and standing up
*He has 4 teeth now
*He is saying mama and dada
*He went on his very first camping trip and LOVED it
*He LOVES being outside. Every night we take a stroller ride.
*He took his very first dip in a lake!! He is a little water bug
*First Firework show...he really didn't mind them at all
*He's moving his hands over his mouth to make sounds
*He's using his fingers to eat with. We gave him some puffs and at first he wasn't sure of what to do but now he'll stick his whole hand in the container!
*I had to cut his hair again..This time I cut all of it not just by his ears.
* He loves to swing
*He weighs 21 lbs :)
* He's sleeping a little bit better at night. He's staying asleep now for long periods of time!
Every day now he's changing and doing new things. He's such a happy lil man and has such a great personality!!
The ledfords