My cousin took some great pictures of all the great grand kids
p.s. he was supervised and we had a hold of the candy cane the entire time and he was not allowed to bite it!

Love, The Ledfords
Love, The Ledfords
Well the big B man is 14 months old and has defiantly developed his own BIG personality. He is so busy and curious and has to get his hands on everything!!...
We are currently battling a double ear infection. First round of antibiotics didn't work so we just started our second, stronger, round. He's actually tolerated it pretty well. He'll have his occasionally whinny moments or tilt his head to the side and run in circles( we do feel bad but you can't help but chuckle at the sight of it). Hopefully this round of antibiotics will kick the ear infections butt!!!!!
We also had the our pediatrician check out his bowlegs! Brock gets this honest from his daddy and nates dad! They are both bowlegged and they say it's hereditary. Apparently on top of the bows in his leg he also has twisted tibia's, which makes his look way more prominent than your average bowlegged pop belly toddler. Our pediatrician says he'll out grow it by the time he's 3 or 4 and he's not concerned by it.
Christmas post soon to follow....
The Ledfords