Sorry this one is a little I'm writing this I'm thinking that in just a few short weeks this lil boy will be a year I!! People always say soak up every moment because it goes by so fast and boy does it ever.
* Brock is now walking...He's still a little wobbly but once he gets going he practically sprints across the room!

* He loves his daddy!! They are best buddies and it's to stinkin cute! Nate's a fabulous dad!
* He's now on whole milk..we're down to a bottle in the morning and a bottle at night..sippy cup of milk with his lunch. He's adjusting well.
* He talks up a storm. If I only knew what he was saying..sometimes i swear he's telling me off!!

* He loves playing with his big cousin Bella.. She's great with him!
His big first birthday party is coming up this weekend..Soo excited! We'll take lots of pictures to post later.
The Ledfords