Brock is now 6 months old... I tell him evey day he needs to slow down so mommy can soak up all the wonderful little moments!! I can't believe he's 6 months already!!
*He is sitting up with some support(his boppy) and for a short time by himself with no support.

*He LOVES his jumperoo. Even when he's not in it he's constantly trying to bounce

*He's still working on those teethers. I'm washing bibs like crazy!!!!
*We celebrated our first easter as a family together

*He's going to bed around 8ish and sleeps until around 7:30.
*He's taking about 6 oz every 4 hour
*He loves to eat.. His favorite vegtable is still peas and his favorite fruit is Pears. Once he turns 7 months i can start to introduce a whole new variety of foods!!
*He loves sitting on his daddy's shoulders and bouncing around the house.. He LOVES his daddy!!!!
*He likes to suck his toes!! lol

*We just had our 6 month apt today and he weighs 19lbs 13oz and is 28 inches long