I can't believe I'm writing Brock's 3 month post already! I feel like i just did his 2 month post. It's amazing how fast time goes by when you have a little one! Everyone's doing great in the Ledford household. I returned to work mid January. The first night back was a little rough but i knew he was in great hands with daddy and I had amazing friends to help me through!! :) Nate is such a fabulous husband and father! We're adjusting to the new routine of having both parents back to work but so far so good!! Here's some things the brock man is doing these days.....
*Screaming!!...not in a bad way. He loves his voice and he tries to scream as loud as he can. It's so funny!
*He loves to smile and of course Nate and I try to see who can make him smile the most!

*He weighs 15 lbs and is 26" long
*He sleeping 10 hours at night and taking 2 to 3 good naps during the day! He really likes his sleep time

*He loves his visits from family

*We tested out his jumperoo a couple weeks ago. He likes it but we still need a little bit better head control for it!

* Hes grabbing everything in sight and trying to eat it!
* Hes eating anywhere from 5 to 8 oz every 3 hours during the day.
* Hes in 6 month clothes..big boy!
*Hes a slobber box
*He loves his lovey

*His hair is still out of control!! He's going to have that mow hawk for life!!
*Hes in size 2 diapers but not for long...his rolls are getting in the way!!
*He's turning into a thumb sucker!! booo!

*were excited for his first plane ride to Florida in a month and for our first family vacation together!!!
*He so expressive with his face especially his eyebrows. He does the rock brow!! :)
Everyone try to stay warm these Cold winter days!!! :) I sure don't mind being cooped up with this cute little face!!!!